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Ysleta ISD

District Name: YSLETA ISD

Election Date: November 2019

Bond Amount: $425M

Project Overview: New School Construction, Renovations and Campus Improvements

Decision: Passed

Voter %: 58%

Ysleta ISD contains seven unique learning communities with seven true feeder patterns. Each feeder pattern has a board member solely dedicated to them and elected by that community. All internal and external stakeholders want to ensure that their feeder pattern is being attended to and that the students are a priority. It wasn’t possible to ‘touch’ every feeder pattern within this bond package so the committee had to be educated on the history of the 2015 bond work that was actually still in progress during this initiative. The bond committee were dedicated and diligent in their work. This committee was active during the timeframe of the shooting in El Paso which created a strange dynamic but brought the group together for the common purpose of community.