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Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD


Election Date: May 2021

Bond Amount: $178.5 Million (2 props)

Project(s) Overview: 1-New school buildings, addition/renovations of existing schools, new maintenance/child nutrition/technology/DAEP building;

Decision: Passed

Voter %: 1-$177.7M 54% 2-$800K 50.1%

Description: Over the last couple of years, PBTISD experienced a marked increase in property revenue, especially related to the oil and gas industry. This increase resulted in a substantial amount of money being collected on the I&S side, to the point that we needed to do a defeasance at the end of FY 2020 and had to drop our I&S tax rate 7.5 cents. During this same time of increased property revenue, the District experienced two failed bond elections. This past May, the bond election was a “do or die” scenario of the District because we had collected enough money on the I&S side to pay off our remaining debt and would have to drop our I&S tax rate to zero if the bond did not pass. Hiring Transcend4 to help lead and guide our community stakeholders through six critical meetings made a huge difference and helped build trust between the District and our community. As a result, we were able to pass the largest bond PBTISD has ever passed, $178,560,000.