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Katy ISD

District Name: KATY ISD

Election Date: May 2021

Bond Amount: $676M (4 propositions)

Project Overview: 1-New school buildings, renovation/expansion of existing schools, purchase sites for schools, new school buses, safety and security infrastructure;
2-New technology, technology infrastructure, instructional technology;
3-High school natatorium;
4-Repair and replacement of campus athletic facilities and athletic stadium facilities to include track repair/resurfacing, lighting, roofs, bleachers

Decision: Passed (4 propositions)

Voter %: 1-$591.3M 71% 2-$59.7M 72% 3-13.8M 63% 4-11.2M 63%

The Katy area has seen intense growth in the past two decades, largely due to the success of its school district. Families are moving to the District in droves, leading to a projected enrollment of nearly 100,000 students by 2026 — making Katy ISD the fastest growing large school district in Texas, with the majority of this growth taking place in its northwest quadrant. Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved the formation of a Community Bond Advisory Committee (CBAC) in January 2020, to assess campus and facility needs, as well as develop a bond package — should the group determine one would be needed. Committee membership criteria included: current resident living within the District boundaries, availability to attend all meetings, and a commitment to share and present information about the process and outcomes. The Committee was composed of approximately 110 decision-making members, consisting of parents, business owners, senior citizens, partner institutions, professional and civic organizations, and other community members. Transcend4 designed a unique process to guide the CBAC through critical information, discussion, and decision-making. The CBAC completed their work on January 27, 2021. The Committee’s recommended bond package of $676.2 million was presented to the Katy ISD Board of Trustees at a Special Meeting on February 8, 2021 and approved by voters in May 2021.